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Session Recap

We’ve finally gotten all of our loose ends tied up and have had a chance to reflect on our week of camp. All things considered, we had a fantastic week, and from the feedback we’ve gotten the kids really enjoyed the activities. We want to give a special thank you to Atmos Energy and the Arlington Police Department who each sent multiple experts to talk to the kids at our camp. We appreciate the time and energy of all of our volunteers, staff, guest speakers, and parents for making this years camp a great success.

We would love to hear from all of our parents! Click on this link to fill out the post-camp survey: bit.ly/XTTC2019

Final update on shirts: we recieved shirts from council for those on our list whose kids did not recieve the correct size. Please contact us at crosstimbersdaycamp@gmail.com if your scout still has not recieved the correct shirt size.

If a scout attended camp every day, he likely completed the following requirements:

These can also be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet.